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Top 500 CSS MCQ Interview Questions
Top 500 CSS MCQ Interview Questions
Question 301:
What does the display: none; property do?
A. Hides the element but retains its space
B. Hides the element and removes it from the document flow
C. Makes the element invisible without hiding it
D. None of the above
Question 302:
Which property is used to control the visibility of an element?
A. display
B. visibility
C. opacity
D. all of the above
Question 303:
What does flex-grow property do in a flex container?
A. Defines the initial size of the flex item
B. Defines the ability for a flex item to grow
C. Aligns flex items
D. Controls the size of the flex container
Question 304:
Which CSS property is used to change the font style of text?
A. font-weight
B. font-style
C. font-family
D. text-style
Question 305:
How can you hide an element while still taking up space?
A. visibility: hidden;
B. display: none;
C. opacity: 0;
D. Both b and c
Question 306:
Which of the following is a CSS measurement unit?
A. px
B. em
C. rem
D. All of the above
Question 307:
What is the function of align-items in a flex container?
A. Aligns flex items along the main axis
B. Aligns flex items along the cross axis
C. Justifies content
D. Sets the direction of flex items
Question 308:
Which property is used to set the width of an element in CSS?
A. width
B. size
C. length
D. Both a and b
Question 309:
What does text-align: justify; do?
A. Aligns text to the left
B. Aligns text to the right
C. Centers the text
D. Stretches text to fill the width of the container
Question 310:
Which property is used to specify the font of an element?
A. font-type
B. font-style
C. font-family
D. font-face
Question 311:
What is the purpose of grid-template-columns?
A. Defines the rows in a grid layout
B. Defines the columns in a grid layout
C. Sets the gap between grid items
D. Specifies the height of grid items
Question 312:
How do you apply a shadow effect to a text?
A. text-shadow
B. shadow
C. box-shadow
D. Both a and c
Question 313:
Which property is used to create space around an element’s border?
A. margin
B. padding
C. border-spacing
D. gap
Question 314:
What does the visibility: hidden; property do?
A. Makes the element visible
B. Hides the element but maintains its space
C. Completely removes the element from the document flow
D. None of the above
Question 315:
Which CSS property is used to set the order of flex items?
A. order
B. flex-order
C. flex-position
D. item-order
Question 316:
What is the default value of the flex-direction property?
A. column
B. row
C. column-reverse
D. row-reverse
Question 317:
Which property allows you to control the transparency of an element?
A. opacity
B. transparency
C. visibility
D. clear
Question 318:
What does background-position: center; do?
A. Centers the background image horizontally
B. Centers the background image vertically
C. Centers the background image both horizontally and vertically
D. None of the above
Question 319:
What does the cursor property do in CSS?
A. Changes the appearance of the mouse pointer
B. Controls the visibility of the cursor
C. Sets the speed of the cursor
D. None of the above
Question 320:
How do you specify multiple background images for an element?
A. background: image1, image2;
B. background-image: image1, image2;
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
Question 321:
What does overflow: hidden; do?
A. Hides any content that overflows the element
B. Allows scrolling for overflow content
C. Displays overflow content
D. None of the above
Question 322:
Which property is used to create a gradient background in CSS?
A. gradient
B. background-image
C. linear-gradient
D. Both b and c
Question 323:
What is the purpose of the min-width property?
A. Sets the maximum width of an element
B. Sets the minimum width of an element
C. Controls the overall width of an element
D. None of the above
Question 324:
Which property is used to control the spacing between words in a text?
A. word-spacing
B. letter-spacing
C. line-height
D. text-spacing
Question 325:
What does display: flex; do?
A. Makes an element a flex container
B. Centers the content
C. Makes the element a block element
D. None of the above
Question 326:
Which property controls the spacing between grid items?
A. gap
B. grid-gap
C. margin
D. Both a and b
Question 327:
What does the position: sticky; property do?
A. Makes an element fixed relative to the viewport
B. Makes an element behave like relative until a defined scroll position
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
Question 328:
Which of the following is NOT a valid CSS color value?
B. rgb(255, 255, 255)
C. rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
D. color: white;
Question 329:
What does display: table; do?
A. Displays an element as a block
B. Displays an element as a table
C. Hides the element
D. None of the above
Question 330:
What is the default value of the text-align property?
A. left
B. center
C. right
D. justify
Question 331:
Which property is used to control the size of an element?
A. size
B. height
C. width
D. Both b and c
Question 332:
What does the float property do?
A. Moves an element to the left or right of its container
B. Centers an element
C. Stacks elements vertically
D. None of the above
Question 333:
What does the :hover pseudo-class do?
A. Applies styles when an element is clicked
B. Applies styles when an element is focused
C. Applies styles when an element is hovered over with a mouse
D. None of the above
Question 334:
Which CSS property is used to create a transition effect?
A. transition
B. effect
C. animation
D. change
Question 335:
What does text-decoration: underline; do?
A. Underlines the text
B. Strikes through the text
C. Adds a border below the text
D. None of the above
Question 336:
What is the purpose of the @keyframes rule?
A. To define styles for animations
B. To create media queries
C. To load external fonts
D. To define grid layouts
Question 337:
What does align-self do in a flex container?
A. Aligns the entire flex container
B. Aligns a flex item itself
C. Centers flex items
D. Justifies the flex container
Question 338:
Which property is used to create a circular image?
A. border-radius
B. shape
C. clip-path
D. Both a and c
Question 339:
What does the background-size property do?
A. Controls the size of the background image
B. Sets the position of the background image
C. Hides the background image
D. None of the above
Question 340:
What does display: inline-block; do?
A. Displays an element as a block
B. Displays an element inline with block properties
C. Hides the element
D. None of the above
Question 341:
Which property is used to add a border to an element?
A. border
B. border-style
C. border-color
D. All of the above
Question 342:
What does the line-height property control?
A. Height of the element
B. Space between lines of text
C. Height of the font
D. None of the above
Question 343:
What is the purpose of the :focus pseudo-class?
A. Styles an element when it is clicked
B. Styles an element when it gains focus
C. Styles an element when it is hovered over
D. None of the above
Question 344:
What does display: grid; do?
A. Creates a grid layout for the container
B. Displays elements in rows
C. Aligns elements to the left
D. None of the above
Question 345:
Which property is used to set the text color of an element?
A. color
B. text-color
C. font-color
D. None of the above
Question 346:
What does object-fit: cover; do?
A. Resizes an element to cover its content
B. Maintains the aspect ratio of an image
C. Fits the image within the bounds of its container
D. None of the above
Question 347:
Which property is used to change the list style of an unordered list?
A. list-style-type
B. type
C. marker
D. None of the above
Question 348:
What does grid-template-rows define?
A. The size of the columns in a grid layout
B. The size of the rows in a grid layout
C. The number of grid items
D. None of the above
Question 349:
Which property is used to set the maximum width of an element?
A. max-width
B. width-limit
C. width
D. Both a and b
Question 350:
What does border-collapse: collapse; do?
A. Combines adjacent borders into a single border
B. Hides the borders of a table
C. Changes the border style
D. None of the above
Showing 301-350 of 500 questions