Top 500 Bootstrap5 MCQ Interview Questions

Question 251: Which class is used for styling table rows in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) .table-striped
Question 252: How do you create a split button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) <div class="btn-group">
Question 253: Which class is used for an ordered list in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <ol class="list-group">
Question 254: How do you create an alert dismissible in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="alert alert-dismissible">
Question 255: Which class is used for margins in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .m-*
Question 256: How do you create a full-width container in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <div class="container-fluid">
Question 257: Which class is used for showing loading states in Bootstrap 5?
Question 258: How do you create a card with an image on top in Bootstrap 5?
Question 259: Which class is used to create a disabled button in Bootstrap 5?
Question 260: How do you create a breadcrumb in Bootstrap 5?
Question 261: Which class is used for styling the active state of a list group item in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .active
Question 262: How do you create a vertical list group in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <ul class="list-group">
Question 263: Which class is used to create a collapsible component in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .collapse
Question 264: How do you create a tooltip in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <button data-bs-toggle="tooltip">
Question 265: Which class is used for responsive spacing in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) .m-*
Question 266: How do you create a responsive image in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <img class="img-fluid">
Question 267: Which class is used for a card header in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .card-header
Question 268: How do you create a modal in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) <div class="modal fade">
Question 269: Which class is used to create a footer for a card in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .card-footer
Question 270: How do you enable dropdowns to close when clicking outside of them in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) data-bs-auto-close="outside"
Question 271: Which utility class is used for setting the color of the text in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .text-primary
Question 272: How do you create a horizontal form in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <form class="row">
Question 273: Which class is used to create a progress bar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .progress-bar
Question 274: How do you create a pagination component in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <ul class="pagination">
Question 275: Which utility class is used to make an element float in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) .float-start
Question 276: How do you create a badge in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <span class="badge">
Question 277: Which class is used to create a list group item with a badge in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .list-group-item
Question 278: How do you create a toast in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="toast">
Question 279: Which class is used for a close button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-close
Question 280: How do you create a jumbotron in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="jumbotron">
Question 281: Which class is used to create a spinner in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .spinner-border
Question 282: How do you create a card with an image overlay in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <div class="card-img-overlay">
Question 283: Which class is used to create a form control in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .form-control
Question 284: How do you align text to the center in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .text-center
Question 285: Which class is used for a rounded button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .btn-pill
Question 286: How do you create a collapsible element in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="collapse">
Question 287: Which class is used to add margin to an element in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .m-3
Question 288: How do you create a grid system in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="row">
Question 289: Which class is used to create a sticky top navbar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .sticky-top
Question 290: How do you create a responsive image in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <img class="img-fluid">
Question 291: Which class is used to create a modal dialog in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .modal
Question 292: How do you create a tooltip in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <span data-toggle="tooltip">
Question 293: Which class is used to create a dropdown menu in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .dropdown
Question 294: How do you create a progress bar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="progress">
Question 295: Which class is used to create a table in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .table
Question 296: How do you create a button group in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="btn-group">
Question 297: Which class is used for a disabled button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .disabled
Question 298: How do you create a card with a header in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="card-header">
Question 299: Which class is used to create a vertical navbar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) .flex-column
Question 300: How do you create a badge in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <span class="badge">

Showing 251-300 of 500 questions

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