Top 500 Bootstrap5 MCQ Interview Questions

Question 451: How do you create a badge that is clickable in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <a class="badge">Badge</a>
Question 452: Which class is used to create a responsive video in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .embed-responsive
Question 453: How do you create a horizontal line in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) <hr class="my-4">
Question 454: Which class is used to create a responsive navigation bar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .navbar-expand-lg
Question 455: How do you create a dropdown menu in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) All of the above
Question 456: Which class is used to set the margin of an element in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .m-
Question 457: How do you create a tooltip in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <span data-bs-toggle="tooltip">Tooltip text</span>
Question 458: Which class is used to create a stacked list group in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .list-group
Question 459: How do you create a collapsible accordion in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) All of the above
Question 460: Which class is used to create a breadcrumb in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <ol class="breadcrumb">
Question 461: How do you create a pill button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <button class="btn btn-secondary">
Question 462: Which class is used to create a dropdown toggle in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .dropdown-toggle
Question 463: How do you create a pagination component in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <ul class="pagination">
Question 464: Which class is used for a danger alert in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="alert alert-danger">
Question 465: How do you create a card header in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="card-header">
Question 466: Which class is used to create a vertical divider in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) Bootstrap 5 does not have a built-in vertical divider
Question 467: How do you create a list group with a link in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) Both A and B
Question 468: Which class is used to create a warning alert in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="alert alert-warning">
Question 469: How do you create a tab panel in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <div class="tab-content">
Question 470: Which class is used for a muted text in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .text-muted
Question 471: How do you create a grid with 4 equal columns in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <div class="row"><div class="col-4"></div><div class="col-4"></div><div class="col-4"></div></div>
Question 472: Which class is used for a primary button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-primary
Question 473: How do you create a modal in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) Both A and B
Question 474: Which class is used for an info alert in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="alert alert-info">
Question 475: How do you create a tooltip in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) <span data-bs-toggle="tooltip">
Question 476: Which class is used to create a badge in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <span class="badge">
Question 477: How do you create a carousel in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) Both A and B
Question 478: Which class is used for a secondary button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-secondary
Question 479: How do you create a pagination in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <nav><ul class="pagination"></ul></nav>
Question 480: Which class is used for a danger button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-danger
Question 481: How do you create a form group in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="form-group">
Question 482: Which class is used for a success alert in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="alert alert-success">
Question 483: How do you create a jumbotron in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="jumbotron">
Question 484: Which class is used for a large button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-lg
Question 485: How do you create a card in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="card">
Question 486: Which class is used to create a toast in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="toast">
Question 487: How do you create a dropdown menu in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) Both A and B
Question 488: Which class is used to make an element float right in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .float-end
Question 489: How do you create a responsive image in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <img class="img-fluid">
Question 490: Which class is used to hide an element in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .d-none
Question 491: How do you create a progress bar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar"></div></div>
Question 492: Which class is used to create a dropdown toggle button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .dropdown-toggle
Question 493: How do you create a tooltip in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) <button data-toggle="tooltip" title="Tooltip text">
Question 494: Which class is used to align text to the center in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .text-center
Question 495: How do you create a responsive row in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="row">
Question 496: Which class is used to add padding in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .p-*
Question 497: How do you create a badge in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <span class="badge">
Question 498: Which class is used for the primary button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-primary
Question 499: How do you create a modal in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="modal">
Question 500: Which class is used to create a card in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="card">

Showing 451-500 of 500 questions

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