Top 500 Bootstrap5 MCQ Interview Questions

Question 401: Which class is used to create a disabled link in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .disabled
Question 402: How do you create a modal footer in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="modal-footer">
Question 403: Which class is used for a warning badge in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <span class="badge badge-warning">
Question 404: How do you create a button with an icon in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <button class="btn"><i class="icon"></i> Button</button>
Question 405: Which class is used to create a responsive embed in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .embed-responsive
Question 406: How do you create a list group in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <ul class="list-group">
Question 407: Which class is used for a white background in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .bg-white
Question 408: How do you create a modal with a title in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <div class="modal-header"><h5 class="modal-title">Title</h5></div>
Question 409: Which class is used for a light alert in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="alert alert-light">
Question 410: How do you create a card with a footer in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) <div class="card"><div class="card-footer"></div></div>
Question 411: Which class is used for a primary button with rounded corners in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .btn-primary
Question 412: How do you create a badge with a color in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) <span class="badge" style="background-color: #color;">
Question 413: Which class is used to create a list group item in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <li class="list-group-item">
Question 414: How do you create a disabled dropdown item in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <a class="dropdown-item" aria-disabled="true">
Question 415: Which class is used to create a card with a background image in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) .card-img-top
Question 416: How do you create a collapsible card in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) <div class="card" data-bs-toggle="collapse">
Question 417: Which class is used for an information alert in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="alert alert-info">
Question 418: How do you create a grid layout with equal columns in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <div class="row"><div class="col"></div><div class="col"></div></div>
Question 419: Which class is used to create a modal dialog in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="modal">
Question 420: How do you create a form group in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="form-group">
Question 421: Which class is used for a light variant of a card in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) .card bg-light
Question 422: How do you create a horizontal form in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <form class="row">
Question 423: Which class is used to create a navigation bar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <nav class="navbar">
Question 424: How do you create a jumbotron in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <div class="jumbotron-fluid">
Question 425: Which class is used to center align text in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .text-center
Question 426: How do you create a tab navigation in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
Question 427: Which class is used to create a toast container in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="toast-container">
Question 428: How do you create an unordered list with custom styling in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <ul class="list-unstyled">
Question 429: Which class is used for a primary navigation link in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <a class="nav-link">
Question 430: How do you create a responsive table in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="table-responsive">
Question 431: Which class is used for a small text in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) .small
Question 432: How do you create a full-width card in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="card w-100">
Question 433: Which class is used to add a border to an element in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .border
Question 434: How do you create a carousel in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <div class="carousel slide">
Question 435: Which class is used to create a primary button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-primary
Question 436: How do you create a responsive embed in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="embed-responsive">
Question 437: Which class is used to create a badge in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .badge
Question 438: How do you create a footer in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <footer class="footer">
Question 439: Which class is used to create a dropdown in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="dropdown">
Question 440: How do you create a form group in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="form-group">
Question 441: How do you create a form control with a placeholder in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <input class="form-control" placeholder="Enter text">
Question 442: Which class is used to create a vertical navigation bar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) .flex-column
Question 443: How do you create a footer in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <footer class="footer">
Question 444: Which class is used for a dark-themed alert in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="alert alert-dark">
Question 445: How do you create a responsive image in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <img src="image.jpg" class="img-fluid">
Question 446: Which class is used to hide an element in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .d-none
Question 447: How do you create a spinner in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <div class="spinner-border">
Question 448: Which class is used to add a drop shadow to an element in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) Both A and B
Question 449: How do you create a custom checkbox in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input">
Question 450: Which class is used for a success alert in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="alert alert-success">

Showing 401-450 of 500 questions

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