Top 500 Bootstrap5 MCQ Interview Questions

Question 151: Which class is used to hide an element in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .d-none
Question 152: How do you create a toggle button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <button class="btn" data-bs-toggle="button">
Question 153: Which class is used for spacing utilities in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .m-*, .p-*
Question 154: How do you create a dropdown menu in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="dropdown-menu">
Question 155: Which class is used to create a primary button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-primary
Question 156: How do you create a placeholder for an input field in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <input placeholder="Your Text">
Question 157: Which class is used to create a spinner for loading states in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) .spinner-border
Question 158: How do you create a table with striped rows in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <table class="table table-striped">
Question 159: Which class is used to create a rounded pill button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) .btn
Question 160: How do you create a warning alert in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="alert alert-warning">
Question 161: Which class is used to create a vertical divider in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) .border-end
Question 162: How do you create a large button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <button class="btn btn-lg">
Question 163: Which class is used for a light-themed button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-light
Question 164: How do you create an accordion component in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="accordion">
Question 165: Which class is used to align flex items vertically in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .align-items-*
Question 166: How do you create a full-width container in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="container-fluid">
Question 167: Which class is used for responsive text in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) .text-*-responsive
Question 168: How do you create a fixed-top navbar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <nav class="navbar fixed-top">
Question 169: Which class is used to change the background color of an element in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .bg-*
Question 170: How do you create an input group with an icon in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-text">
Question 171: Which class is used to add a border to an element in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .border
Question 172: How do you create a modal in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="modal">
Question 173: Which class is used for a primary button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-primary
Question 174: How do you create a dropdown menu in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="dropdown">
Question 175: Which class is used for a secondary button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-secondary
Question 176: How do you create a carousel in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="carousel">
Question 177: Which class is used to create a toast in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .toast
Question 178: How do you create a list group in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <ul class="list-group">
Question 179: Which class is used for a success button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-success
Question 180: How do you create a breadcrumb in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <nav aria-label="breadcrumb"><ol class="breadcrumb">
Question 181: Which class is used to create a dropdown toggle button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .dropdown-toggle
Question 182: How do you create a block-level button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <button class="btn btn-block">
Question 183: Which class is used for customizing the size of a button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-lg, .btn-sm
Question 184: How do you create a text input with a floating label in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="form-floating"><input class="form-control">
Question 185: Which class is used to align items to the center in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) .align-items-center
Question 186: How do you create a form with horizontal alignment in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <form class="form-horizontal">
Question 187: Which class is used to create a responsive card in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .card
Question 188: How do you create a toggle switch in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) <input class="form-switch">
Question 189: Which class is used to create a success badge in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <span class="badge badge-success">
Question 190: How do you create a grid layout in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <div class="row"><div class="col">
Question 191: Which class is used to create a rounded image in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) .rounded
Question 192: How do you create a fixed-bottom navbar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <nav class="navbar fixed-bottom">
Question 193: Which class is used for rounded corners in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .rounded-*
Question 194: How do you create an input group with a prepend text in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-prepend">
Question 195: Which class is used to create a table with hover effect in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .table-hover
Question 196: How do you create a breadcrumb component in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) <nav aria-label="breadcrumb"><ol class="breadcrumb">
Question 197: Which class is used to add spacing on the top of an element in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .mt-*
Question 198: How do you create a dropdown menu item in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <a class="dropdown-item">
Question 199: Which class is used for text wrapping in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .text-wrap
Question 200: How do you create a list group in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <ul class="list-group">

Showing 151-200 of 500 questions

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