Top 500 Bootstrap5 MCQ Interview Questions

Question 101: How do you create a column layout with equal width in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <div class="col">
Question 102: Which class is used to create a responsive video in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) .embed-responsive-16by9
Question 103: How do you create a sticky top navbar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <nav class="navbar sticky-top">
Question 104: Which class is used to create a button that has a border radius?
Answer: D) .btn
Question 105: How do you create an inline form in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <form class="form-inline">
Question 106: How do you create a dropdown toggle button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <button class="dropdown-toggle">
Question 107: Which class is used for styling a primary button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-primary
Question 108: How do you create a pagination component in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <ul class="pagination">
Question 109: Which class is used to create a loading spinner in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .spinner-grow
Question 110: How do you create a footer with a credit line in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) <footer class="footer text-center">
Question 111: How do you create a list group item with an active state in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <li class="list-group-item active">
Question 112: Which class is used to create a full-width container in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .container-fluid
Question 113: How do you create a button group in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="btn-group">
Question 114: Which class is used for a warning alert in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .alert-warning
Question 115: How do you create a list group with linked items in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) <a class="list-group-item">
Question 116: Which class is used to create a full-width row in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) .row
Question 117: How do you create a card with a header in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="card-header">
Question 118: Which class is used to create a success alert in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .alert-success
Question 119: How do you create a jumbotron in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="jumbotron">
Question 120: Which class is used to center align text in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .text-center
Question 121: How do you create a horizontal form in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <form class="form-horizontal">
Question 122: Which class is used to create a primary button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-primary
Question 123: How do you create a card with an image in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) <img class="card-img-top">
Question 124: Which class is used for a danger alert in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .alert-danger
Question 125: How do you create a tooltip in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) <a data-bs-toggle="tooltip">
Question 126: Which class is used to create a rounded button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-rounded
Question 127: How do you create a modal in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="modal">
Question 128: Which class is used to create a spinner in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .spinner-border
Question 129: How do you create a breadcrumb in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) <ol class="breadcrumb">
Question 130: Which class is used to create a shadow in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .shadow
Question 131: How do you add a custom scrollbar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .overflow-auto
Question 132: Which class is used to create a disabled button in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) .btn:disabled
Question 133: How do you align text to the center in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .text-center
Question 134: Which class is used to create a responsive image in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .img-fluid
Question 135: How do you create a vertical navbar in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: C) .flex-column
Question 136: How do you create a row of buttons in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-group
Question 137: Which class is used to create a responsive table in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .table-responsive
Question 138: How do you create a list group in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <ul class="list-group">
Question 139: Which class is used to create a modal in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .modal
Question 140: How do you create a tooltip in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) data-toggle="tooltip"
Question 141: Which class is used to create a breadcrumb in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .breadcrumb
Question 142: How do you create a jumbotron in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="jumbotron">
Question 143: Which class is used to create a popover in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) data-toggle="popover"
Question 144: How do you create a custom form control in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <input class="form-control">
Question 145: Which class is used for spacing in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: B) .m-* and .p-*
Question 146: How do you make a button group vertical in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .btn-group-vertical
Question 147: Which class is used to create a carousel in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .carousel
Question 148: How do you create a form row in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) <div class="form-row">
Question 149: Which class is used to hide elements on small screens in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: D) .d-sm-none
Question 150: How do you create a responsive table in Bootstrap 5?
Answer: A) .table-responsive

Showing 101-150 of 500 questions

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